Axelerated Solutions Partner with SFDA to build the infrastructure for Track and Trace Platform
October 28, 2018
Axelerated Solutions Sign with CloudFlare to be the first Partner is Saudi Arabia
November 28, 2018
Axelerated Solutions Partner with SFDA to build the infrastructure for Track and Trace Platform
October 28, 2018
Axelerated Solutions Sign with CloudFlare to be the first Partner is Saudi Arabia
November 28, 2018

Axelerated Solutions successfully migrate customers to Mawthouq Mail as a Service Platform. Client as Ministry of Economy and Planning, King Salman Relief Organization

The most important ingredient for a successful migration is actually collaboration. We work with clients to create a plan that provides a tailored solution based on a ‘wish list’ as well as overall marketing objectives. Before we even get to the first step, we agree on a due date for the migration, as this forms the basis of all our plans moving forward.

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